Monday, September 21, 2009

The Wicked of Noah's day.......still in HELL.'s a word that is synonymous with torment and pain. Hell is the dwelling place of all lost souls who know not God and obeyed not the Gospel of the Lord Jesus Christ. Many things could be said about the horrors of Hell, fire, smoke, screaming, wailing, gnashing of teeth, darkness and far worse, the hopelessness of knowing that it is all ETERNAL! Yes dear sinner, the wicked of Noah's day still grope and claw at the wall of an ark that no longer exists. In their mind, their rejection of God's way of Salvation is fresh and very real. God said to get in the ark, and they would be saved, God now says, repent and believe the Gospel and you can be saved. Will you go God's way....or will you go to HELL.


  1. When is the last time a sinner joined your church? Not another Fundamentalist family that moved into the area, not a browbeaten teenager who's had to sit through year after year of your hellfire and brimstone. When was the last time an honest to goodness sinner came in your church and joined up?

  2. Hello "Anonymous", first I want to thank you for reading the blog site. Second I want to help you with your misconceptions about sinners and church membership. We are not trying to get people to join our church, we are trying to get them to forsake sin and be BORN AGAIN! If then they feel that our church is the right place to settle in and serve God then they may inquire as to membership- and yes it happens more than the critical religious world ,that you obviously live in, would think. Thank God there are still a few that will admit that they are sinners and in need of the Christ of the Bible repent and believe the Gospel. I will pray for you and feel free to leave more feed back. J.R.

  3. Amen Bro Jeremy! Lost people have no rights being members of our churches, the church is for Born Again Christians! I am 18 yrs old, and I am not "a browbeaten who's had to sit through year after year of your hellfire and brimstone"! I gladly sit under my pastor! And if people get saved, they will like it too! No one has to force me to sit there, I stay under God's Word, because God lives in me! Keep it up Bro Rogers, somebody is listening!!!
